1Bit Solutions

Con·nect·o·lo·gy (noun): The science, art, and passion of designing industry-leading solutions to connect devices to networks, people to people, and ideas to action.
Managed IT Support

1B-IT Global Support Includes
Remote and On-site support
AV/Malware and Anti-Spam Services including Email Continuity
Local and Offsite Cloud Backup
1B-IT's Custom Built "DRS" Disaster Recovery Server
Software Automation Updates
Windows Patch Management
Network/Hardware Firmware Updates
Custom Ticketing System and Asset Tracking
Quality Customer Service
Network, Security, and Infastructure Support

Audit, Planning and Implementation of New Infrastructures and Technology Changes.
E.g. Cloud Computing, Wireless AP Management, SAN/NAS Storage Solutions, and Hardware Virtualization using Hyper-v/VMware
Firewall and Network Security Testing
On-site Emergency Support

Emergency Support of Hardware, Software, Networking, and Security related issues
Disaster Recovery Services
Anti-Spam and AV Mitigation